

Expungement of Marijuana Convictions

As of August 1, 2023, the Louisiana Legislature has created a special provision for expunging first offense misdemeanor possession of marijuana convictions:

D. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a person may file a motion to expunge his record of arrest and conviction of a misdemeanor conviction for a first offense possession of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or chemical derivatives thereof after ninety days from the date of conviction.

Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure Article 977(D).

The fees for filing this expungement are slightly less than a regular expungement. La CCrP Art. 983(M).

This special provision will cease to be available to citizens of Louisiana on August 1, 2026. La CCrP Art. 983(M)(5).

If you or someone you know wants to know if they are eligible for an expungement under this law, give us a call at (318) 459-9111 to set up a consult.