Happy Law Day!
Law Day is celebrated annually on May First and, according to the American Bar Association, is:
a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day provides an opportunity to understand how law and the legal process protect our liberty, strive to achieve justice, and contribute to the freedoms that all Americans share.
This year’s theme is: Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society. Again, from the American Bar Association’s website:
In the United States and around the world, freedom of speech and the press are among the most important foundations for a free society. Free speech and free press are prominent topics in public discourse and litigation. It is impossible to imagine a free society without these individual liberties, yet historical and current debates surrounding them continually challenge us to consider their boundaries and resilience. Changes in technology have reshaped how free speech and free press work in the everyday world.
To read more about Law Day in the United States, check out the American Bar Association’s website here.